Subharmonic almost periodic functions
We prove that almost periodicity in the sense of distributions coincides with almost periodicity with respect to Stepanov's metric for the class of subharmonic functions in a strip $\{z\in\mathbb{C}: a< \mathrm{Im} z<b\}$. We also prove that Fourier coeficients of these functions are continuous functions in Imz. Further, if the logarithm of a subharmonic almost periodic function is a sub- harmonic function, then it is almost periodic.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 42A75, 30B50.
Ключові слова:
subharmonic functions, almost periodic functions in the sense of distributions, Fourier coeficientsDownloads
Як цитувати
A. V. Rakhnin, S. Y. Favorov, Subharmonic almost periodic functions, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 1 (2005), 209-224.
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