Complete Solution of an Inverse Problem for One Class of the High Order Ordinary Differential Operators with Periodic Coefficients

  • R. F. Efendiev Baku State University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, 23 Z. Khalilov Str., Baku, AZ-1148, Azerbaijan


The purpose of the present work is to solve the characterization problem, which consists of identification of necessary and sufficient conditions on the scattering data ensuring that the reconstructed potential belongs to particular class.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 34B25, 34L05, 34L25, 47A40, 81U40.

Ключові слова:

inverse problem, characterization problem, scattering data, transformation operator


Як цитувати

R. F. Efendiev, Complete Solution of an Inverse Problem for One Class of the High Order Ordinary Differential Operators with Periodic Coefficients, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 2 (2006), 73-86.





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