On the Sine-Gordon Equation with a Self-Consistent Source of the Integral Type

  • A. B. Khasanov Urgench State University, 14 H. Olimjan Str., Urgench, 740000, Uzbekistan
  • G. U. Urazboev Urgench State University, 14 H. Olimjan Str., Urgench, 740000, Uzbekistan


It is shown that the solutions of the Sine-Gordon equation with a source of the integral type can be found by the method of the inverse scattering problem for the Dirac type operator on the real line.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 37K40, 37K15, 35Q53, 35Q55.

Ключові слова:

Sine-Gordon equation, inverse scattering method, Jost solutions, scattering data


Як цитувати

A. B. Khasanov, G. U. Urazboev, On the Sine-Gordon Equation with a Self-Consistent Source of the Integral Type, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 2 (2006), 287-298.





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