On the Characteristic Operators and Projections and on the Solutions of Weyl Type of Dissipative and Accumulative Operator Systems. III. Separated Boundary Conditions

  • V. I. Khrabustovsky Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, 7 Feyerbakh Sq., Kharkov, 61050, Ukraine


For the systems as in the title, boundary-value problems with separated boundary conditions are considered. We prove that the characteristic operator of such problem admits a special expression in terms of the projection (characteristic projection). This allows one to introduce for the above systems the analogues of the Weyl functions and solutions, to establish for them the Weyl type inequalities which turn out to be well known in a number of special cases.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 34B07, 34B20, 34G10, 47A06.

Ключові слова:

operator differential equation, characteristic operator, characteristic projection, separated boundary conditions, Weyl function, Weyl type solution, maximal semi-definite subspace


Як цитувати

V. I. Khrabustovsky, On the Characteristic Operators and Projections and on the Solutions of Weyl Type of Dissipative and Accumulative Operator Systems. III. Separated Boundary Conditions, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 2 (2006), 449-473.





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