Uniform Approximation of sgn(x) by Rational Functions with Prescribed Poles

  • F. Peherstorfer Abteilung für Dynamische Systeme und Approximationstheorie, Universität Linz, 4040 Linz, Austria
  • P. Yuditskii Abteilung für Dynamische Systeme und Approximationstheorie, Universität Linz, 4040 Linz, Austria


For $a\in (0,1)$ let $L^k_m(a)$ be an error of the best approximation of the function $\mathrm{sgn}(x)$ on two symmetric intervals $[-1,-a]\cup [a,1]$ by rational functions with the only possible poles of degree $2k-1$ at the origin and of $2m-1$ at infinity. Then the following limit exists

Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A44, 30E.

Ключові слова:

Bernstein constant, Chebyshev problems, approximation, conformal mappings, Gamma function.


Як цитувати

F. Peherstorfer, P. Yuditskii, Uniform Approximation of sgn(x) by Rational Functions with Prescribed Poles, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 3 (2007), 95-108.





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