Invariant Totally Geodesic Unit Vector Fields on Three-Dimensional Lie Groups
We give a complete list of left-invariant unit vector fields on three- dimensional Lie groups equipped with a left-invariant metric that generate a totally geodesic submanifold in the unit tangent bundle of a group equipped with the Sasaki metric. As a result we obtain that each three-dimensional Lie group admits totally geodesic unit vector field under some conditions on structural constants. From a geometrical viewpoint, the field is either parallel or a characteristic vector field of a natural almost contact structure on the group.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 53B20, 53B25, 53C25.
Ключові слова:
Sasaki metric, totally geodesic unit vector field, almost contact structure, Sasakian structure.Downloads
Як цитувати
A. Yampolsky, Invariant Totally Geodesic Unit Vector Fields on Three-Dimensional Lie Groups, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 3 (2007), 253-276.
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