On the Simon-Spencer Theorem

  • A. Gordon University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA
  • J. Holt University of South Carolina Lancaster, Lancaster, SC 29721, USA
  • A. Laptev Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
  • S. Molchanov University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223, USA


This paper presents a generalization of the classical result by B. Simon and T. Spencer on the absence of absolutely continuous spectrum for the continuous one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with an unbounded potential.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 81Q10, 47E05, 34L40.

Ключові слова:

Schrödinger operator, localization, Simon-Spencer theorem


Як цитувати

A. Gordon, J. Holt, A. Laptev, S. Molchanov, On the Simon-Spencer Theorem, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 4 (2008), 108-120.





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