Ruled Surfaces as Pseudospherical Congruences
Two-dimensional ruled surfaces in the spaces of constant curvature Rn, Sn, Hn and in the Riemannian products Sn × R1, Hn × R1 are considered. A ruled surface is proved to represent a pseudospherical congruence if and only if it is either an intrinsically flat surface in Sn, or an intrinsically flat surface with constant extrinsic curvature in Sn × R1.Mathematics Subject Classification: 53B25, 53A07.
Ключові слова:
pseudo-spherical congruence, ruled surfaceDownloads
Як цитувати
V. O. Gorkavyy, O. M. Nevmerzhitska, Ruled Surfaces as Pseudospherical Congruences, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 5 (2009), 359-374.
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