Estimates for Diameter and Width for the Isoperimetrix in Minkowski Geometry
The following estimates are obtained for the diameter$D_B(I)$ and the width $\Delta_B(I)$ of isoperimetrix in Minkowski space $M^n$
$$\displaystyle\frac{4v_{n-1}}{nv_n}\le \Delta_B(I)\le D_B(I)\le \displaystyle\frac{4v_{n-1}}{v_n},$$ where $v_n$ is a volume of the unit ball in $n$-dimensional Euclidean space $R^n.$ The first inequality turns into equality for a bicone, the last inequality turns
into equality for a cube.
Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 52A38, 52A40.
Ключові слова:
isoperimetrix, Minkowski geometry, convex body, diameter, widthDownloads
Як цитувати
V. I. Diskant, Estimates for Diameter and Width for the Isoperimetrix in Minkowski Geometry, Журн. мат. фіз. анал. геом. 2 (2006), 388–395.
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